Windows 7 Commands 1 of 3

The Command Prompt in Windows 7 provides access to over 230 command line commands! The commands available in Windows 7 are used to automate processes, create batch files, and perform troubleshooting and diagnostic tasks.

Note: Many Windows 7 Command Prompt commands are similar to classic MS-DOS commands. However, the Command Prompt is not MS-DOS and the commands are not MS-DOS commands. If you are using MS-DOS, I do keep a list of DOS commands.

Not a Windows 7 User? Here are lists detailing all available Windows Vista commands and Windows XP commands.

If you're interested in why a command was removed or when it was first available, you can see every command from MS-DOS through Windows 7 in my list of Command Prompt commands or skip the details and see it all in my one-page table here.

Below is a complete list of commands, sometimes called CMD commands, available from the Command Prompt in Windows 7:

append - loadfix | lodctr - telnet | tftp - xcopy

The append command can be used by programs to open files in another directory as if they were located in the current directory.

The append command is not available in 64-bit versions of Windows 7.

The bitsadmin command is used to create, manage, and monitor download and upload jobs.

While the bitsadmin command is available in Windows 7, you should know that it is being phased out. The BITS PowerShell cmdlets should be used instead.

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