Jailbreak hack for Pebble watch allows all Apple iPhone notifications to be displayed

A tweet from developer Conrad Kramer revealed that  his 'BTNotificationEnabler' is now available on Cydia. The latter is an app store for jailbroken devices and Kramer's hack removes the block that prevents all iOS notifications from being sent through Bluetooth. This means that all iOS notifications can be viewed on the Pebble smartwatch instead of just native notifications like Messages and Mail. This could be just the beginning. Imagine having Siri at your beck and call, from your wrist.
Smartwatches are a hot topic after the New York Times last week said that Apple was working on a smartwatch using curved glass from Corning. That was followed up by a report that Apple has a 100 person team working on an iWatch. Many of the people on the team previously worked on developing both the Apple iPhone and Apple iPad.
After raising a record $10 million on Kickstarter, the long awaited launch of the Pebble finally took place last month. Once the assembly line gets to full speed, the daily build amount will be 2,400 Pebble watches.

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